Programming & Coaching 

for all strength sports!

Training by former Team USA Weightlifter, 

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and coach Kristin Pope.

Dynamic Nutrition offers a balanced approach to nutrition based on the principles of flexible dieting. Our process meets you where you are to help you navigate the challenges of everyday life by implementing healthy and sustainable habits that encourage food freedom. 

Get set up to conquer your goals through an individualized program that includes one-on-one support and guidance from coach Kristin Pope!


  • A nutrition plan custom tailored to you including personalized macronutrient assignments
  •  1:1 coaching directly from Kristin Pope. That means a REAL HUMAN working with you. This is NOT just an algorithm or calculator
  • Weekly check-ins where feedback and guidance are provided by your coach within 24 hours
  • Ongoing support and adjustments based on your goals and lifestyle
  • Assistance with nutrient timing that aligns with your lifestyle in order to best utilize your food for fuel
  • Access to our amazing Facebook community to connect you with likeminded individuals on similar journeys

If you want to improve your HABITS, enhance your PHYSIQUE and CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE...
Start Your Dynamic Pursuit  Today.

At Dynamic Pursuit we realize everyone's journey is unique. We foster close relationships with our members that allow us to implement effective and sustainable strategies that fit their current lifestyle and move them toward their goals. In addition to individualized guidance, this synergy encourages accountability and offers constructive support through the challenges of everyday life. We believe these things to be the real drives of success when it comes to body and health transformations.

PRICING: $150/Month

Discounted 6 & 12 Month Packages Available!

Automatic monthly subscription that can be cancelled at any time

Group Training Programs: $18/Month

The time commitment for the programs is 

4 lifting days per week for an average 

of 60-90 minutes per day with an optional 5th day of training dedicated to 

core strength and metabolic conditioning work. 

These programs are perfect for those that can’t spend all day in the gym, but want to train with intensity to get stronger, faster and leaner.

If you want to improve your 

fitness, physique and your lifts
Start Your Dynamic Pursuit Today.


Your macros will be custom tailored to YOU and your current lifestyle and exercise protocol. We have top notch training programs for all skill levels, but can customize your nutrition based on ANY exercise and training protocol you are currently following as well.


Kristin has been coaching nutrition for over a decade, ranging from complete beginners to Team USA Athletes. This experience will give you the support needed to accomplish ANY goal you set.


Our software for nutrition coaching is state of the art. All of your progress, measurements, photos, macros tracked in ONE PLACE. Our system will even sync to your macro tracking app of choice for seamless check ins!


Once the decision is made to begin your nutrition journey and payment is submitted, we start by providing a detailed questionnaire in order to gather important information about your goals and lifestyle that will allow us to develop a nutrition plan custom tailored to you. We’ll also provide access to a detailed instructional guide along with other resources to help you get started.




Meet Your Coach

Former Team USA Weightlifter and Current IFBB Pro Bodybuilder

Forget being paired with a random coach you don’t know. The Dynamic Pursuit nutrition program offers custom, individualized macronutrient programming and coaching directly from Kristin Pope herself – a determined entrepreneur and mother with personal exposure to a lifetime of elite level athletics including adherence to weight classes for competition, pregnancy, & postpartum recovery. These experiences, along with a certification as a Sports Nutrition Specialist through the National Council of Sports and Fitness, as well as the opportunity to work with thousands of unique individuals have led to an in-depth understanding of the power and benefits that a properly fueled body provides.